Saturday, May 17, 2014

Stage 10: Torremejia to Merida 16 kms, 3 hrs (walked with a friend) 28C

 All Things Roman!

The story goes that Merida was established by the Romans for their retired legions and it quickly developed into one of the nicer places in Roman Iberia. All that spare time on their hands probably helped! I could get use to that...

Enjoyed a great evening last night with good food, great company and passible wine. I was given two postres (dessert)...not sure what.i did to deserve them, but I didn't complain...they'll be burned off in no time. 
This morning much to my surprise I walked with Ela. I say this because usually she wants her own morning space, and without breakfast she heads off in the dark. I usually catch up to her at some point, have a few words and pass onwards. Well, today was a bit different. There were no markings to direct us out of town and onto the dark trial. I think that Ela got a bit spooked by the dark and unmarked trail and I found her waiting for me. We walked the whole way in which was nice, because even with her limited English, she still speaks intelligently and is very intuitive...spookily so. You occasionally meet folks like that on the Way, and if you are open to them, you learn many interesting things. Because we were so deep in discussion, I took very few photos on the short walk, but did get a sun rise shot...of course!
As we approached townone of the longest Roman bridges on the planet came into view...just special!
Arrived to find that I was to early for my wonderful little hotel, so they kindly let me stow my gear and boots and I headed of in search of the Roman stuff...and I even found some of it. A decent acqueduct runs very close to my little place and I wasn't disappointed with the storks perched on top of the columns and arches either.

Then lots of walking with some results to show for the effort.

The one remaining window in the forum.

So laundry done and hanging all over my room...small, but private supplies ready, eggs boiled, electronics all charged up and I'm ready to go. Decided that after a walk around Merida and
having seein most of the Roman sites today that it's time to move northward and kind of break out a bit before the rains arrive Tuesday. Will take a kick at 39kms tomorrow and see how I manage that, then will plan the next day. Some climbing tomorrow in the second half, but by then most of my food and half my water will be gone and the pack lighter.

Out shortly with friends for dinner and then a few lighted Roman sites to check out, home to bed and I'll see what tomorrow brings. 

See, it is a purple room...who does that?


  1. Someone down the alley from us painted their house that same shade of purple. He's from St. John's and that's the kind of colour they use on their houses in that city.

    Nice photos of the Roman ruins--quite something to see. 39 km? Won't that be a record for you?

  2. Hi Geoff: Sounds like a good plan for tomorrow. Really liked the pictures of the Roman ruins and I am sure that Mr Allen of long ago times in Vancouver would be suitably impressed too. Sleep well tonight and have a good trek tomorrow.
    Cheers Dad
