Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Stage 9: Conques - Livinhac le Haut, 25kms, Sun & Hot! 29 (2)!

Up, then down, then up, then down again! Then Repeat!

Last night I stayed in the Abbye, and I must say it was a lot of fun.

We had a communal dinner as is the custom in these places and something I always look forward to. Simple food, but lots of it, good company and as much wine as one might wish for:-) In this Abbye, they start off proceedings with a welcome from a priest, but I understood very little, however enjoyed the wine Immensely! Then we were encouraged to sing a Camino song, "Ultrea!"
One of the servers had a great stash!
After dinner I went over to the church to hear the organ played, sort of a sound and light show. It was pretty good as I struggled to stay awake, but I vaguely remember hearing some Procal Harem and other tunes from the 1970 played. Actually, it was quite good to hear the organ get cranked up.

Then off to bed quite late (for a Camino anyway) and this morning after a good sleep it was up for a quick breakfast. The view from our bathroom!
And then there was nothing I could do to put off the inevitable...well, I did doddle on my way out of town:-) 

But pretty soon I knew that I would have to face the climb. So off over the Roman bridge, and one last look back at Conques, a very pretty town in the early morning before all the tourists are up!
And up I went! Your sunrise on my way up.
A short stop at a tiny church...they should serve refreshments. Would make a killing! 
Cindy, your morning stone, my friend. Be strong!!
It was a good brisk climb, but no more strenuous than a trip to the gym first thing. Cleared the cobwebs and got the blood flowing for another day!

At the top I was sort of singing the Rocky theme song as this none traditional Camino shadow shot might show.
Then off over hill and down dale. It was pretty much the theme of the day. As has become our norm, I caught up to Janis and Jana from Slovenia along the way. A very nice couple who no doubt Annemarie and I will get to know well...if we can catch them. They are pretty funny, and because they live in the Julian Alps at Bled, they can hoof it up the climbs without breaking a sweat! 
Neil, you asked if there are lots of hills. Simple answer is yes. Hard on knees and ankles as some of the descents are steep. I can't imagine walking this route without sticks, but some do. Each to their own. I was icing an Achilles injury that I had before I left home, and it flared a bit yesterday when a tourist stepped out in front of me. I managed it through the evening and it was good to go today. I can provide you more info if you like with an email.
This was getting quite close to the high spot for the day.

There was another very steep descent into Decazeville, where I had intended to stop, but I was told it's pretty industrial and I'm glad I walked on.
Then a good long climb out in the heat...from rain to a heat wave! So hot the road melted around 12:00! My boot print...
Then happily down through the cool shade of the trees. And the view of Livinhac.
I turned left before the bridge and walked 600 metres down to our camping spot tonight where we apparently have some sort of abode. Jacques is a couple hours behind me, so when he gets here we will sort out a walk into town and get some dinner and a cold beer! tomorrow we walk 28 kms to Figeac where we will prepare to walk the deviation route into the Cele Gorges for three stages, and then into Cahor where Jacques will depart home and Annemariewill arrive! 

Body holding up ok, the pack feels right at home now and I'm trail hardened. It's been like that for sometime now and I really enjoy things once the jet lag goes and I find my rhythm! This is at the summit today!
My daughters tease me about snoring in the comments section yesterday;-) For sure, everyone snores, but some people sadly snore to excess, and when the whole dorm is woken up all night then it must be pretty bad! Just saying!!

Hey, on a river here and there's a pool! But no swim gear:-(

Time to get a shower! Bon Chemin!


  1. Hi Geoff

    Your night in Conques sounded special - beautiful Abbaye and we love the thought of the communal meal, as well as A Whiter Shade of Pale screaming through the ancient church (no wonder you were into the Rocky theme at the top of the hill today!!!). The weather is so different from two days ago - and this looks much more pleasant. Melting road instead of mud! We love the picture of the long walk straight out over the bridge - would love to have it for our collection if you don't mind sending it some time. The detour through the river (?) gorge also sounds fantastic and we're looking forward to those shots - mind you, also sounds like more climbing and descending. And speaking of waterways - Ken - how is that black bear going with the currants? Have you dare ventured out yet??? We're of course contending with our own dangerous wildlife - a blackbird ruffling our mulch looking for insects and a killer cat who digs up the veggies - it's tough in the suburban wilderness.

    We posted on our Turn to Wonder blog yesterday if you're interested to see snow on eucalypts instead of on fir trees!

    Thanks again for keeping so well in touch - we're enjoying the journey immensely. And Annemarie, if you're reading this, we hope your upcoming flight goes well and that last minute leaving preparations aren't too stressful. Just think, you'll be beside that gorgeous, snoring pelerin before too long!!

    Blessings and bon chemin,

    Neil and Sarah

  2. Christine wants details about the cheese, since you're in France. Any blue cheese on the platter?
