Monday, August 17, 2015

Stage 1: Le Puy to Saint Privat d'Allier, 24kms, sun & cloud, 18, 5 hours

Smiling Ear to Ear!

As happened on my last two Caminos, the moment I took my first step today all the injury concerns, anxiety and to do lists disappeared in an instant. It was as if I'd never left the Plata...just another day of walking. Funny how that happens. At times I wondered if I'd ever get here during the ups and downs these last three months, but I'M BACK! What a great day!!
Last night I put all my gear in order, had a light dinner in my room and then after reading for a while I attempted to sleep. Hmmm, not much luck with that last one. Sort of like Christmas Eve for a child. So at some early hour I messaged back and forth with Annemare, waited until 6, had a shower and then took my gear and humped up to the cathedral for the Pilgrim's mass. It was very well attended and while I didn't understand much of what was said, the moment was quite pleasant and a very nice way to prepare to depart. At the end the priest gathered us around to find out where everyone was from. Two ladies from Oz and myself were the only non-Europeans (a nice expression of surprise when the others heard how far we'd traveled to arrive here) with the majority from all over France as one would expect. There was much laughter and nervous excitement in the group...very special, and I'm glad I made the effort. Right again Annemarie! Then down the tunnel stairs and out into the day at 8am. A late start, but not a super long walk today. 
I hadn't planned it, but I found myself out quickly and away without the rest of the group.
Suited me nicely and given the jet lag, etc., I set a comfortable pace through the day, but still met up with others who had headed out of Le Puy earlier in the morning. Thankfully lots of open space to walk alone, but I also had some very nice encounters with others along the way. It was great! I arrived at the gite where I'm sleeping tonight to find it wouldn't be open until 14:00 and that I was the only one there. It's now 15:20 and I've showered and while the place is full tonight, mostly with a family gathering of 36, there are still no other walkers here yet.  Oh, just a minute, two women just limped in, in real pain it looks like. Doesn't look good:-(

Any way I digress. The walk today was lovely as I climbed up out of Le Puy.
The day was mostly about a long slow climb of 576 meters (just over 2,000'). As I walked along I thought back to yesterday and why my heart was thumping so hard as I climbed around the high spots in town. It dawned on me to look at my elevation profile and I was surprised to see that Le Puy is located at 2,200' and having just come from sea level explained a lot. So today the walk took me to over 4,500'. Not very high by British Columbia standards, but a long way up from sea level where I spend most of my time. Explained a lot...too much jet lag in my brain! 
The trail crosses an ancient volcanic plain which is today heavily cultivated. Beautiful stone built farm houses, barns and villages along the route. Really very scenic! And flowers and birds of prey too!

Some nice experiences on the road today. After those nasty dog attacks on the Plata I was all ready for  whatever came at me. Bring it on! Well...
Every single dog encounter involved dogs wandering over to get a scratch behind their ear! I mean, they sounded vicious when they barked at my approach, but that's about it. I'll be completely relaxed by the time I get to the back channels of Spain where no doubt I'll get ambushed again. But no fear, a herd of cows on the road would add some excitement! 
As I wandered through the herd while it lumbered on down the road towards me I thought back to that 12' tall sheep I'd encountered in Spain last year. The last one in the flock that unexpectedly charged me from a meter away and sent me ass over tea kettle. Well, when I saw this last straggler you can just imagine where my mind went to. I wasn't going to be taken by surprise and I told her so! She clearly got the message and wandered past me looking a little 'cowed'. Sorry I couldn't hold that one back:-)
Neil, I could have taken her. She was way smaller than that sheep!

It was pretty cool at the higher elevations today...I have this nice compass/temperature combo that Annemarie gave me. 7 at the start in Le Puy and to a high of 15 at higher elevations as the day progressed. I'll be keeping an eye on this Bryan! 

Some beautiful little churches...
And this one at Chapelle St Roch.

Again some lovely scenery as I climbed...

This is the little village I'm stopped at for the night.
Ya, I know. It sucks to be me:-) 

The party guests are beginning to arrive in their cars. Should be a lively dinner as we all sit together and  it will be a great opportunity for me to work on my French! Based on past experience I'll be all alone by the end of the first hour...the French aren't usually too tolerant when it comes to their language. They need to walk a camino or something and deal with this! I wonder what's for dinner?

Ok that's enough for today, except to say to Annemarie that I DID stop for lunch! I haven't done that since the first Camino with Annemarie, and here is the proof. There's ham and stuff in the French good! 
Tomorrow is a shorter day, but lots more fun on the climbs! Can't wait. Time to head to the store and then I think I'll find a beer!

Bon Chemin!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you ate lunch--got to keep fuel in the furnace!

    Beautiful photos--what a place to walk.
