Friday, September 30, 2016

Stage 31: Valença - Mos, 25 kms, sunny, 23

It Was All About The Morning Start...

Last night we had our last evening in Portugal in a small restaurant, centre of the fortress. Very nice!
Caught the sunset...
Then Neil and Sarah walked back to Spain and we walked out of the fortress in the pitch dark. Very cool!

It was kind of different.
This morning we walked into Spain! Always puts me in a happy place to be in Spain! The sunrise didn't hurt wait her.
Annemarie hit the bridge, and didn't stop until she was on the other side! 
As the title suggests, it was all about the walk into Tui. Stunning! 

The dividing line...note the flag colours.
And before you know it you're there! I can speak to the locals again...nice!
We walked towards town to meet our pals.
And met at the cathedral on the top of the old city.
We went inside to get a stamp in our credentials and found a pretty nice interior with unusual cross braces to hold the walls. Must be considerable pressure although this is a Romanesque church.
Then we were off!
Oops, another church to look inside.
Ok, then we were on our way! Getting closer.

Believe it or not, there was a Roman bridge.
After all, we are on a Roman road.

And who knew? Another Roman bridge!
Self explanatory.

All of this was very nice, but the last third of the trail, not so much. Annemarie broke her pole so I hurried off to find wifi and I contacted the makers in the UK . They are putting a new middle section in the mail to Santiago. Maybe it will even make it?!  Rob, I told them that I've helped to sell many of their poles...he had a good chuckle when I told him about the sales I've generated for him. We will be talking!

In an albergue in a small village's on the map above. That's about it from here. Will now try to post this? Happy Friday.
Buen Camino!!


  1. So sorry to hear about Annemarie's pole! How did that happen? Can you fix it with gorilla tape?

    You get so used to them, you get reliant on them, and it'd be hard to do without. At least the replacement section is coming. Will there be more walking when you get to Santiago?

    Great photos as usual. Enjoy your evening and your first dinner in Spain.

    It's still Bom Caminho, I see from the sign on the wall, so Bom Caminho!


  2. Love these photos neighbours!! Pure bliss
