Wednesday, September 14, 2016

O Porto: Sun with Fluffy Clouds, 23

City With A Lot Of Colour, A Little Edge!

A day spent that's new! Waited years to see this town. Definitely not disappointed! Several email requests for photos, so that's what I'll post. Enjoy!

We watched as these kayaks were pulled along by the rear wave...they just surfed along same speed as the boat!

Now for the bad news. When we walk into Porto we have to walk across the top of this famous bridge.
You know I'm going to lay awake the night before thinking about this one. It's freakin' high!
What do you think Bruce?


  1. That's a scary bridge, but you'll be fine. Maybe you can close your eyes and Annemarie can guide you across.

    Great photos. I love the tile-covered buildings. What a lovely city. I've only heard good things about Porto.

    Good to see signs of the Caminho, too. Soon you'll be covering that same ground again.

    Enjoy your rest before carrying on to Coimbra!


    1. Ha! Annemarie will have trouble with it too! Last time she crossed a bridge like that she wondered why I didn't get a photo of her doing so. I could only focus on the crossing. This time I told her if she wants a photo to talk a selfie:-)

  2. Hi there. I had to run through your pictures in Spain Geoff, which were great again. I didn't know when you were going on the Camino again. Good to see that A.M. is there too now. Porto looks so much better than about 35 years ago when we were there. Enjoy your time in Portugal, don't drink too much port and have a pleasant and healty walk. Greetings Puck

    1. Nice to hear from you! We will be in Holland to see Erin in Lieden 17 October should you be in that area. We will be staying in Den Haag. Annemarie flies home 20 October from Amsterdam and Erin and I will have a few more days likely in Amsterdam. I'll need to buy a sweater to stay warm!

  3. Healty has to be healthy.Puck
