Monday, October 7, 2013

Stage 20: Calzadilla to Mansilla de las Mulad, 25 kms, 4.5 hrs, 24C

Calzada Romana

Dear Mr. Allen,

As you know, each trip I take includes a letter to you or a reference in my journal to thank you for providing me with the inspiration to travel and visit many of the wonders and cultural homelands from the ancient world. 

First, and because it was the first, there were the special wonders of Greece...the Pantheon, Delphi and beautifully situated Delos. Then it was on to the wonders of Rome with numerous visits to sites throughout Italy and southern France and even a few in the UK during earlier visits. Onwards from there to the marvels of Ancient Egypt with its pyramids, Cataracts and riverside kingdoms along the Blue Nile. From there you took me on several ocassions into the far reaches of Turkey, through the Greek & Persian Empires, into upper Mesopotamia and finally through the Secuk homelands. 

We have travelled far together throughout the Byzantine Empire and have somehow also managed to fit in the Moors of present day Spain & Morocco along the way plus a visit to the Roman city of Italica in Iberia.

Well, today I have finally walked that long waited for piece of Roman road...only a small 24 km section, but it was enough...almost enough...the Appian Way from Roma to Brindisi still beckons, but it gets ever closer.

I'm not sure if you fully appreciate or even know the influence that you have had on my life, but the impact of your teaching has clearly had a profound impact. When you said to me, "You cannot even comprehend the magnitude of a million years of humanoid history, let alone the past 10,000 years.", I listened and I wondered. I have spent the last 46 years of my life trying to understand and to comprehend your message. I will endeavour to continue to learn even more when my present work obligations come to an end.

You were there with me today as I walked the Roman Road alone...far, far ahead of those who walk with me.

With gratitude and appreciation. In memory of Mr. Allen, Grade 6 History teacher, 1967, Trafalgar School, Vancouver.

1 comment:

  1. Nice memorial to Mr Allen Geoff. Really nice touch. Dad
