Monday, October 10, 2016

Stage 38: Larreule - Argagnon, 25 kms, Sun All Day! 22

The Wind In The Corn Stocks

We woke to a cold, but beautiful morning...not a cloud in the sky! 
A stunningly silent morning with ground fog drifting low over the corn fields.
It was one of those mornings that if you stayed in bed and saw the pictures afterwards you'd kick yourself. Finally, finally the Pyrennes were clear.

The type of morning that comes along rarely, and almost never in a city.
It was a beautiful walk. It just got better and better through the day. Always the corn was there, before a climb and after the descent. Always sending a message.

We stopped at several small churches along the Chemin...always open and always a welcome of some sort for each pelerin.
There is a simple beauty and peace in both rural Spain and France which is hard to describe. A simple pleasure that comes during the walk that I have trouble adequately explaining with words. So I simply take pictures and hope that perhaps they convey what I feel. Perhaps when I get home I'll attempt to describe it on paper, hmmmm but that might take me all winter!
For now, just a few images.

We have connected with more people in the last four days that the prior two months. It happens like that sometimes. There are not what I'd call lots of pelerins on the route, certainly not what we experienced on the Portuguese. But a very quick closeness comes here. We have shared a gite with this very nice group and met others along the way on other nights. At lunch today it was lovely to sit and visit and even help with some minor blister care. Such is as it is. You have knowledge, you share. A nice group. Also where we were last night.
After lunch I went on a short ramble by myself and managed to find that space that I hadn't found since the rainbow day on the Dos Faros. I'd been looking perhaps too hard for it on the Portugese, but it had alluded me. I thought perhaps I wasn't destined to find it again this Camino, but there was one last surprise waiting.
As I descended into this valley the wind came up and the sound of its passing through the dried corn stocks was everywhere, all around. Magnificent!
Again, the pleasure of the walk!
I'd been hearing it all day, but not hearing it. It wasn't until I was alone. Simple and beautiful.
Our rambling old rural home for tonight run by an elderly British lady expat and comes with a big pet pig who will apparently join us for dinner! We're sharing our room with Bernard who speaks little English. Ha, it's our turn now. An English speaking house!
Bon Chemin!


  1. I'm happy you're finding the thing you were hoping to find. Certainly you're travelling through a beautiful place and that must help in your search.

    I'd heard that churches stayed open in France. Apparently Oliver Schroer recorded most of "Camino" in France because the churches weren't locked there.

    Did you get any roast fowl for dinner last night? Maybe tonight? Maybe it doesn't matter.

    Bon chemin!


    1. Sadly no roasted bird of any type. As you will discover we were in a bit of a different place last night. Dinner was rice and Chinese cooking. Not quite what we were hoping for, but such is as it is! The pig was great! Yes, the churches were open last year as well. A real eye opener after all the closed churches in Spain. Hope you had a good thanksgiving!

  2. Does one ever say -: "you had me at pig" ? At least the rest of the day went better. Buen camino
