Sunday, May 21, 2023

Day 7: Stage 6: Citta di Castello, 30 km, Sun, 25°

From One Extreme To Another!

Unfortunately it was a bit of a late start as I couldn’t get breakfast until 8:00, but it was worth the wait. Much of it was sweet, but there were some savoury items as well. I recognized some of the items from the dessert trolley yesterday. I pasted on them then, but I had an apple thing which was very good! 
okThen out the door and through town as quickly as possible. I had to retrace about 2 kms to get to the jump off spot for today’s stage. Seemed shorter going the other way😵‍💫
The route administration did a better job of keeping me off a busy highway with a new variant through and around a light industrial area. 

I am finding honey everywhere I go. It seems to be on every table and at most every place I stay. I’m not complaining, actually nice to see. I like the obvious effort taken to nurture and care for the bee population here. 
Shortly after the beehives, I passed by a high-end stable facility with beautiful horses. I took a series of videos and sent them off to the grandchildren for their enjoyment. Yes, the introduction of grandchildren has greatly changed my walking process!

Another weather vane photo to add to my collection. This one’s actually quite nice and painted different colors. That’s quite unusual.
I wasn’t in a big hurry this morning, though I tried to move along. There were 9 kms to enjoy on the flood plain before the climbing began. In fact, there were four climbs on this stage, each one a sharp steep slope. 

On all long-distance walks I find it interesting to pass through towns and villages that have become involved with the spirit of the walk. This particular town had painted pictures all the way through with descriptions of the miracles that Saint Francis performed. I find that most people really enjoy and appreciate these efforts. This was on the round-about. 
I love the cluttered look of the old farm stations. Obviously add to as extra space was required. This place is well past it’s prime. 
Keeping out of the hot sun. It probably reached 27° on the open trail today and you may remember that it was only 12° just a few days ago! 
Honestly, the landscape today looks just like paintings I’ve seen in art galleries in Europe. 
That’s the first climb just a head on the left to the town of Citerna, a beautiful, mediaeval hill town. 
I stopped here for a little refreshment. That’s not been possible most days so far. 
You can see just how far back La Verna is. Pardon the poor lettering as I have used my finger for the occasion. 
Climb #1 completed! 

Climbs 2 & 3 were made all the more challenging with the heavy mud still in place. While not particularly high, they took considerable effort to cross. 

There were some really nice views and beautiful scenery. 
I could have and possibly should have lingered longer, but I still had a considerable distance to walk. 
I’m By the time I descended climb #3 I had about had it with the mud and besides the last climb would add an additional 5 kms to my day. I decided to sort out s way into town on the highway. I’d read that it wasn’t the safest option, but I’ve walked along some ugly major roads over the past 10 years. So using some tried and tested techniques I ventured off. I find that people are pretty good and try not to hit you, but the big trucks on a narrow road with no side verge do test one.

I took a blog break to walk this really interesting city and also to have dinner. I had a really enjoyable time walking the streets, and while I wait for my dinner I’ll continue. A busy day! 

This was a quiet moment so I took a photo! It made me think of walking with Rob last October as we approached Rome and a big truck going by him at speed took his hat right off his head! 
As I rounded a corner the road widened and it was safer walking. In the process of experiencing some relief I went the wrong way. This ultimately proved to be a fortunate error. I figured out another route into town, and once I got through a nasty spot I found myself on a sidewalk all the way in! 

About Citta di Castello, there’s been ad city here for over 2,500 years. That’s pretty amazing. Of course it was destroyed by the Goths in the 6thC and later rebuilt with a stone wall. Here’s a few photos, and I noticed that there were only a few tourists in sight. 

Today was a great day. I’m tired, but it’s like that every day one walks like this. Some sleep and I’ll be ready for another long up and down stage tomorrow!


  1. A very usable day no matter how you might measure it. Glad that you had some good walking and fair weather. Certainly lovely country to walk and have time to admire the many green fields and beautiful red flowers together with some nice dark horses that the grandkids will find pretty special.
    More of the same tomorrow please. Hope you have a soft bed to round out your day.

  2. Highway walking without a shoulder--not my favourite thing, either. Do you have a brightly coloured vest? Ken
