Monday, June 3, 2019

Stage 10: San Miguel De Meruelo - Santander, 24 kms, Sunny, 24

Finally A Use For Those Damn Bidets!

Nothing was open for breakfast so it was pretty much up and on the road this morning. The day started with a nice climb that sort of cleared the cobwebs. We crossed this medieval bridge early on and thinking of Sarah and Neil I climbed down underneath. Enough said.

We passed through some lovely country and enjoyed the pleasure of just being on the road as we had it to ourselves. So much lik3 southern France. Hard to believe that the Camino Frances just to the south of here is nothing like this route. An abundance of wealth in this area, or so it seems.

Looking after Annemarie’s knee meant a short and not so nice day yesterday, but with a day of comparative low stress she seemed to be better this morning.

We found breakfast 9 kms down the road in the small town of Güemes. Toast and tea was well received. Then onwards to the coast where we enjoyed several wonderful hours wandering along the cliff tops. So nice!

An occasional sailboat passed by. Mom and Dad, this one is for you.

Kathy, the flowers were ever so beautiful. I found a honey bee and perhaps you can see it. I think this was one of my favourite photos today. Though the lighting was excellent and there may be others. Keep watching!

I ventured out onto the cliff tops to take photos of the flowers and the coast below.

That’s Santander in the far distance. The day’s destination.

We completed the cliff walks and then found that we had this stunning beach to cross. What a strand!

It took about an hour to cross the work! Nice work! Annemarie’s vacation still happening:)

We crossed the town part way down the spit and arrived just in time to catch the ferry. Our timing has been so lucky with the ferries as it’s about an hour wait if you miss it. 

Santander, our home for two nights. A day to wander and then we will spend a day walking a coastal variant that I found earlier that will return us to the Camino at the end of that day. 

So, I’ve heard of peregrinos using bidets for soaking their feet, but there’s another use if you happen to have one available, and unusually we do tonight!

Erin and Seth, that’s a Leffe beer on the left. Excellent Belgium beer with a story from 2015!

Now for an Instagram post....

Buen Camino!


  1. Another lovely day of walking! A varied 24 kms and a ferry ride--what more could you ask for?

    Enjoy the bidet beer.

    ¡Buen Camino!


  2. Santander waterfront reminds us a bit of Porto - those pastel coloured multi-story buildings. Great timing with the ferry - a relaxing way to end a delightful day of cliff and beach walking. The water is so calm still and not much wind by the looks. Cheers.
    Neil and Sarah

    1. It was a very nice way to end a walk. Very relaxing and the scenery was a feast for the eyes! Glad you liked the bridge. It was pretty cool.

  3. While Kathy and I were visiting Pascal and Marianne last visit the subject of bidets came up. Pascal asked Marianne what she thought a bidet was for and she answered 'for washing your feet' . What followed was a rapid conversation in French mostly from an exasperated Pascal. It seems that there are varying opinions about what a bidet is truly for. We should compile a list of possible uses.

    Kathy & Bob

    1. Ya we will have to do that. We plan to use it tonight as a mini refrigerator to keep our yogurt and a few other things cool over night🙂 A beautiful coastal walk tomorrow that I will blog. No blog today...a day off, but we walked 15 kms. Lol

  4. Great picture of the sail boat Geoff but I also noticed the shore line and wondered what a person would do if they got caught in a sudden wind blow and no place to go with the exception that you head for deeper water!! For the time being I think we will walk the beaches with you and Annemarie and share a cool beer in the evening at the dinner table. Looks as though you have finally found the weather and hiking trails that were missing during the first few days of your trek. Very happy that Annemarie is walking so well.

    Our love Mom and Dad
