Saturday, June 8, 2019

Stage 14: Comillas - Colombres, 31 kms, Sun & Cloud, 19

Dang Those Roads!

Sunset last night over the ancient university from our habitación.

A long stage today, along the ocean then inland for a time the last half of the day. Now showered, fed and Mr Washing Machine making our grubby clothes fresh again it’s time to try and blog with the very random wifi. My hat at the end of the day was pretty salt encrusted. It and my shorts can stand up by themselves without assistance. Time to wash everything.

The day was long with lots of hills, but parts of it were exceptionally beautiful. As we walked I had a good time playing with the light.

And of course there was the usual Spanish wildlife. Always fun to watch for the hawks, pigeon flocks and of course...

...the cows in the fields. These ones right up close to the ocean and the many Saturday surfers we saw today.

Yup, loads of surfer dudes on this section of the coast. Usually for ever church there’s two or three bars. Here there’s a church and 20 surf shops. We were tempted:)

There’s about 40-50 surfers in this photo.

And Rob, they were camping everywhere in their Westies.

The new models too! Really nice. Or as our very favourite character in the Netflix BBC based show W1A says coool!

There was also a very nice XV century bridge as we crossed into San Vicente where we took a break before climbing out of the town.

This route really does have everything! This town also has a castle, far right.

Looking back at the other side of town as we climbed out, yet again.

There were a lot of climbs today. Nothing huge, but some sharp climbs and all of them on road surfaces which has been the case our last three stages. Hard on the body in so many ways. Annemarie’s knee kicked up a bit today, but she soldiered on. 

More Camino friends having lunch.

Anyway, one last effort to climb one last steep hill and we were into our home town for tonight. An amazing menu del dia in a family run restaurant which was just huge! So good too. This is my fish in a garlic sauce.

And Annemarie’s meal. We had only a limited idea of what was on the hand written menu. We had four dishes, all excellent. Plus a huge bottle of vino blanco and loads of water. 

So, all in all a wonderful day with nice connections with locals and with other peregrinos. Most of the serious Saturday cycling groups also waved and wished us a buen Camino! We are herring this all day long from the locals. Huge supporters!


  1. Loved those early photos. Another good day you two. Buen camino, Neil and Sarah

  2. Very nice! The best part: making connections with other peregrinos and with the locals. A wonderful day.

    ¡Buen Camino!

