Friday, October 2, 2015

Stage 20: Marsolan - Condom, 22kms, Sunny, 24 (5) Wednesday Sept 9, 2015

Lightning et poof, C'est Bon!

You are in luck today...a sunset...
and the sunrise! 
What a special day! We also had a moment as we headed out of town this morning...pretty tacky Camino, but we like it.
The walk today was again through some very nice country. 

Beautiful hill country just made for a stroll!
Given my lower leg injury we made the decision to not walk the additional 8kms to the World Heritage town of La Romieu. We were sorry to miss it until we realized just how many special places we have been fortunate to visit in our travels. Once justified in our minds, we walked on without concern. There is so much to see along the way. 
There were two deer just above us a moment before I snapped this photo. No fear, we have just a few thousand at home!
This little gem was the Chapelle Stainte Germaine.

Then off we went again past the white grapes that are considered to be quite speciall in this area. I can attest to their excellent qualities...a little pilgrim shrinkage!
Extremely sweet and good flavour.
We walked on...and came across this very nice dog. Now if I was to look for another dog one day, then this type might fit the bill. I wonder what breed it is?
Pretty hard to be disappointed on a sunny day. You'd have to be a bit nuts not to appreciate what you were walking through.

Then as we walked along...
It happened. We've arrived in the Armagnac area. Something I've been looking forward to. Let the tasting begin!
Also we have arrived in the three musketeers area where D'Artagnon was raised. We took Bryan on his 9th birthday to D'Artagnon's place of birth for lunch to celebrate the day.
A nice welcome to Condom and our first view of the Pyrenees. Hard to see in this photo, but I have traversed almost 500kms and we are getting closer to the mountains. We should see them every day when it's clear until we cross them.
Tomorrow we will cross the bridge where the marker sits proclaiming just 1,000kms to Santiago if you take the Camino St Jacques route. Closing in on Condom...
A funny thing happened as I walked today. I've developed a lump against my shin bone and the pain centers mainly there. Towards the end of the stage I had one then very soon after a second shot of lightning pain that stopped me cold. After the second shot the lump was gone and with it much of the pain. Geoff is a happier hiker again! Funny things can indeed happen on the way to Santiago and I think I just experienced one of them. A little ice and we will see what things look like tomorrow.
We have just finished a very nice pizza lunch and it's time to have a look around.
Bon Chemin!

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