"Monsieur, vous marchez magnifiquement!"
The sunrise.
The first hour was the usual uphill slog, but as I recovered and after wiping the sweat from my eyes I realized that things were changing. The landscape was different...rounder?
I passed by the Chapelle de Guirande, but for some reason it wouldn't open until 10:00. Having no reason to wait, I took a photo of the church and the inside through a screened window.
From the light through the church windows as it plays on the floor. I've never seen this as clear as today in any church in Europe!
Having learned about upscale Camino camping on the Frances with Annemarie, it turns out that it's even better on the GR65! We finished up our beers and purchased some interesting stuff in tins, and went back to our place and cooked up a seemingly healthy meal, complete with a bottle of wine. Not half bad! Good internet and I was able to connect with various family members, so all good. I was even able to get a couple of fresh eggs from our hostess who has her own chickens, and I hard boiled them last night for breakfast today. 

We were up and away early as it promised to be a very hot journey. Look at our generation selfie!
The light this morning was great and I took full advantage.
We stopped in town for some additional food for the road and as we headed off Jacques found his way into a conversation with a lady from France. Knowing enough about threes' company, I headed off on my own, which was the intent anyway as Jacques is still a bit hobbled.
The further I walked, the clearer this became. The landscape became almost flat compared to the last 9 stages.
It seems that we are coming off the Massif Central. Does this mean that life will be a bit easier for a while and that there will be time to let the mind wander? I guess time will tell. There was certainly some hills today, but nothing like we have previously encountered. The big challenge today was the heat. Everyone was feeling it...even this fella.
All types of signage on this route.
Continuing on, the heat became more oppressive until I reached a water font and took out my trusty bandana and soaked it and myself in the cold water. Spectacular!! A man and his son walked over to me and in French proceeded to ask me the usual questions...where I'm from, where I'm walking to, what's my name, am I going to Santiago, where did I start today. I did my best to give complete answers and he actually understood me quite well. Then he said, "Monsieur, vous marchez magnifiquement!" and as I was standing there a bit taken aback, he said the same thing to me in very clear English, "Sir, you walk magnificently!" Another day on the Camino.
I stopped to eat some of my sandwich at some point and I soon had the company of birds and a dog wondering if I might share.
Then I did some real estate work, and Annemarie I have two options for us!
The second has a better location, but the first is nicer and a bit pretentious;-) I'm good with either, and we can step out our door and voila...we are on Camino!
A few scenes from the day.
I was flagging at one point, so finally I pulled out my music and some good ol' rock & roll! Sometimes you have to do what you have to do to make it in to your next bed.
Tomorrow we head out and take the Cele Valley deviation off the GR65. This is supposed to take us into some beautiful gorges and will take four days to transit. Odds are good that I'll have wifi,but one never knows. So postings may be delayed a day or so, but I'll write each day.
A great dinner out!
And a few more...
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