
It took a while, but I think I’ve finally put the jet leg behind me. Body and brain seem to have merged over the last couple of days and I can feel it when I’m walking. Energy levels are normal and the climbs today felt much easier. I’ve always said that it takes about a week before everything is working well and I find my rhythm. I’m now in Gubbio and have a rest day planned.
Today was a much better stage than yesterday. I decided this morning to be up and away earlier, confirmation that my rhythm is back to normal. I wanted to beat the heat on the climbs with a plan to arrive in Gubbio in time for lunch
I’m staying in a small apartment in the old town which is going to be lots of fun. My usual chores complete d I headed off to find enough groceries to will carry me through until Friday morning.
My place last night was directly on the route, so I just had to step out the door, walk down the driveway and turn left. Pretty easy. I had a couple of kilometres to get myself in gear before starting the first climb.

When I first saw this stream, I was concerned that the heavy thunderstorms from last night were going to force me to pull off my boots and walk across. However, when I got closer I saw with some relief that there was an arryo on the left which thankfully made crossing a breeze.

Looking back at town from the first climb

It was a real treat to have a horizon when I looked around instead of just trees and bush as I mostly experienced yesterday.

Nice to be on the trail. In the cool of the early morning. I’ll be doing more of this in the days ahead. It’s the way I enjoy walking, but I’ve been trying to get my sleep caught up so I’ve been out a little later than usual.

This was the Italy I had been thinking about all winter. Nice to have the heavy rains and mud hopefully behind me. I feel for the people north of here in
Emilia-Romagna who have experienced terrific flooding during the recent rains. Of course this is a sign of global warming, and though these flood events have occurred in the past they tend to be more intense these days. That area was suffering from drought conditions last year when I crossed northern Italy. Now too much water, too quickly.

The scenery today was just

I had a nice visit with four Italian men of roughly my age. They are walking to Assisi and two of them had been to Quebec and one other had a daughter living in Campbell River of all places! We all agree that it’s an incredibly small world. As I walked on I thought it was a pretty neat thing that these four friends could walk together. I was a little envious..,for a moment. walking with one other person can be fun, but I can’t imagine a group of four.

Coming out of the mountains!

I never like to see the route blocked. Often because there’s nowhere else to go I just go around the barriers or climb over them. Sometimes you take a chance and you live with the outcome.

This time it was simply a road washout from the recent heavy rains. Not what you want to find if you’re driving a car, but for a walker it’s usually easy to negotiate your way around.

Saoirse your painting touch is required!

Though I do enjoy the poppies, I am also enjoying the cultured and wild roses.

And what’s with these cats, right? This is the second cat who has laid in wait for me🤣 It saw me coming, and realizing that there was no place to hide it crouched as low as it possibly could and trying to be invisible!

And at 12:30 I arrived, just in time for lunch!

This is a pretty interesting looking city. I walked in search of groceries for my stay here, and I was surprised to see just how well preserved and lived in the old part of the city is. Lots going on and not a ton of tourists. I think I’m going to enjoy my day here! I’ll leave you with a few photos of the streets.

Time to make dinner! I’m already into the wine, an Orvietto Classico that I had the pleasure of tasting at home recently. I didn’t realize that there was a white wine from that area. I’ll have to look for it at home.
A worth while day in all respects and a reward at the end of the day in a great location that will keep you busy tomorrow checking out whats around the next cornor as you explore the town and search out a nice place for lunch and/or dinner and possibly sample a few different wines.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the moment. Dad
What a lovely day of walking. The scenery! And the cat--hilarious. Ken