Monday, August 24, 2015

Stage 7: Saint Come - Golinhac, 34kms, rain, cloud, Sun at the end! 19

While the Global Markets Tremour...

...Geoff walks on pretty much oblivious. Probably a good thing don't you think Dad? 

After yesterday's slog through the elements and the mud you would think that sleep would have been no problem. It wouldn't have been except for the pleasures of dorm living...snoring. So bad that ear plugs didn't help so I listened to music all night and drifted in and out. Hey, it's Camino and this happens. But hopefully not two nights in a row! I left my nice little gite early and found that the sun that was supposed to greet me wasn't there! But there was cloud and drizzle. On goes Margarita and so much for my tan!
Leaving was really nice here.
The air was dark and dank and it just kind of brings you down a bit. I considered playing some music, but I'd had enough last night and usually I walk without tunes. So I just stretched my legs and tried to find some rhythm. My first stop was Eglise de Perse, but it was closed and the view just brought me a bit lower in the rain. No kidding, eh? All alone with ghosts! 
Next stop was Espalion. Now this looked a bit more promising! 

Really nice, but then it started to rain. Another downer. Then trudge onwards to yet another church, Chapelle St Pierre. Mmmmm, nothing to write home about. It was just a dull inside, but it has history on its side for sure. Walk away even more down.
Then a nasty little climb in mud and rain...hey, this ain't helping to pump me up you know!!
I don't mean to complain, but hey, this is southern France in August! Just look at it!!! I started in the far distance in the near dark and it's still dark some 16 kms later! 
Ok, I'll admit this is nice...
And so is this farm...
But don't let it go to your head because just around the corner is this crappy red mud that sticks to your boots like gum an inch thick on the bottom!
Nice sheep though. A little muddy themselves, but just look at the weather.
This goes on until I reach the next great church today...Eglise de Tresou,
but it's not open either!!! Free and clean bathroom however, so not a total loss. I trudge on in the rain thinking less than nice Camino type thoughts. Then I see this nice little cottage...cheers me up for about a minute. I mean, it's pretty cute.
I trudge on along the side of a road and almost get hit by two touring cyclists. When will. they learn to ring a bell or to say something to warn you? Hate cyclists when I walk. I'm getting less cheery buy the kilometre. Then I arrive in Estaing some 20kms from my start. I'm in a dark place. But wait, this looks kind of cool with possibilities:-)
Neil and Sarah a cool Roman bridge. Things are looking up!
Hey the rain has stopped! Poncho off...finally. I cruse over the bridge and into town and see that there is a castle and another church. Some tourists too. I ask directions to a grocery, but that doesn't go too well. But wait. I find a nice little place for lunch. I desire I need a mental boost after a long, long night and a long trudge in the rain. So...
And then with a full tummy and a cola buzz I figure I'll give the church thing one last try today.
It looks interesting so I enter with high hopes. Nope, another bland interior...don't even snap a photo. It's been that kind of a day. I head out of town and see a friend at the end of the bridge having a cup of tea. We chat, I walk on down the road and almost get run over by a speeding car. Great. I look at my profile chart. How far can it be to the end of this stage. 9 kilometres. Ok, I can do this, but what's with the 1,100' climb? Where did that come from? So I climb. What else can I do? It's a real grind too. But then near to the top a day saver happens...the sun comes out...just like that!!
Instantly it's a very good day! The sun is out! Where have you been the past two days? My walking clothes haven't been washed in two days, they smell, so I smell, my bag smells! But all is forgiven, you are back. There's even sun on the bathroom (they could use a few of these on the Frances).

Things are looking up. I'm into my camping and gite place, I've had a shower, washed my clothes and had a drink. Dinner is in 15 minutes. But will my laundry dry in time? Best I post this and go check it out.

I suppose the stock markets will sort themselves out at some point. For the moment I plan to ignore them and just walk on. I've learned that even when things look bad the sun still eventually comes out again and everything is as it should be. I still loved the just took a while to get there:-)

Bon Chemin!


  1. Hi Geoff: I was impressed by your great ability to maintain such a good sense of humor despite the gloom of the stock market, miserable weather plus a poor sleep!. If this how a person builds character on the Camino I think yours has gone up a notch or two. Well done. Also, your did a wonderful job on your pictures today despite the rain. I hope you treated yourself to an extra special dinner and maybe a finer bottle of wine. I am sure the sun will shine tomorrow and hope you have a wonderful sunrise too....................
    Cheers Dad

  2. Hi Geoff

    Another tough day on the road. It's amazing how the weather affects our spirits and yet this is part of the lure and appeal of the camino, it strips away our defences (material and otherwise) and puts us vulnerable in the present moment. It can take us to the edge and bring us low, and then something happens - some simple act of hospitality or panorama or the sun coming out - and our spirits soar in gratitude. I'm glad you received that little blessing at the end of the day. No doubt this day will be significant in the longer journey and in all it does in you. On ya, for persevering. We're all cheering back here in Oz.

    I'm still down at the snow and we had heaps last night, so I awoke to a fairytale scene with everything covered in white. I head back this morning, otherwise I'd be out there on the slopes. I've had a couple of good days with my grandsons, Mikah and James.

    I hope the food is extra good tonight (that galette you had a lunchtime looked very good!) and that the snoring remains at a gentle hum. Hang in, my friend, you will be waxing lyrical again before long, I am sure.

    Bon chemin


  3. PS. Loved those shots of the bridges. Thanks.

  4. Hey Geoff,

    Neil's right, as usual. Me, I'm thinking of my worst day on the Camino and you know, it was still a day on the Camino. Enjoy the vin rouge tonight--and I want to know what a galette is!

  5. PS. There's a black bear on the shore of the lake earing currants, so no evening swim tonight!

  6. Thanks for all the support everyone! It was a great day today as I hope you will see from the blog post. I had to avoid a tourist who wasn't paying attention, and did a bit of damage to my ankle, but ice and a few drugs over night will sort it out I'm sure. The bartender was great to get me some ice. Hey Ken, swimming with the Bears would be a great course project...get on with it! Odd to think of you skiing Neil. Last time I saw you we were dodging snakes in the heat! Great to hear from you all. Dad, now I'll have a look at the bad news today...maybe not! Geoff
