Off for our walk this morning in the sun without a fixed plan, we passed a local school fairly early on. Looking across the field we saw what we finally realized were teachers preparing for the anticipated announcement about school re-openings. I thought it interesting that there were two different interpretations of social distancing. No wonder there has been such a variety of experiences these last two months. Interesting.
We walked to a small seaside park that we hadn't been to in a month, just for the view. Quiet and very pleasant with a view down to Washington State, still suffering in a big way with the virus. Hoping that things there improve soon.
Unsurprisingly the foreshore hadn't changed. Still very pleasant, with a lower tide than last time we were here.
Walking back to a more frequented coastal spot we were rewarded with some nice wildlife sightings. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted this Herron and we walked quietly back and arrived in time to see it catch a midmorning snack! It struck so fast!
We watched as he sorted out how to swallow his fish, and when satisfied he walked to a new spot and began fishing again.
The next spotting was a beautiful sea otter coming directly towards us. I video'd the approach and will try and figure out how to transfer it on to the blog from my camera, perhaps tomorrow. I was fortunate that I had my camera with me as I almost didn't carry it today.
We worked our way up through the trails and headed home where I spent much of the rest of the day working on a gardening project I've been trying to complete. I guess a couple more hours after today will see it finished.
Back out on the camino we finished our breakfast at the Parador and headed off. Ken comments about our transport out of León that day and his own experiences.
Villar de Mazarife
I think I walked faster today--something I was thinking of doing. I didn’t think about much. Didn’t notice the landscape as much, particularly this afternoon, but maybe that’s not so strange. Listened to music for the first time on my iPod. Had breakfast with Geoff and Annemarie, then they were off--bus, then road route to Hospital de Órbigo. I’ll get there tomorrow morning, I think. Possibly Astorga tomorrow--that might be a reach, though--30 km.

Annemarie and I walked from just inside León to La Virgen del Camino and we stopped to see this somewhat unique church that has the new built around the old. This was to be the only time I'd see this church open of the three times I passed through here. The other times in 2016 and 2018 I was too early and the church wasn't yet open. So I feel fortunate to have seen it just the once. This is the main entrance.

The original altar.

The new stained glass looking back towards the front with the figures visible on the other side.

We set off, and in 2013 found the start to the variant was confusing and we had to dead recon our way back on track as there was a major highway construction project underway. For my later walks I used Google Earth to sort out the entry to the variant only to find that it was better marked than it had been in 2013. I thought it interesting that the problem had stayed with me so that I looked to resolve it before leaving home. I've since learned to generally trust that everything will work out just fine and to just go and walk.

In 2016 Rob and I started our walk to Ponferrada and then onto the Camino Invierno to Santiago from León. Because this was the start of our walk we decided that the official start would be from just outside León at La Virgen del Camino and we too walked the 33 kms to Hospital. This was the sky we set off under.
We were soon treated to the first sunrise of our walk.
A while back on the stage to Calzadilla I made a comment about the unusual camino signs along there. I thought they were unique to that section, but turns out these signs, at least one, was posted on the variant to Villar de Mazarife. I photographed this one in 2016.
The new highway was a bit confusing, but the markings were much better.

This is at Chozas de Abajo, a small town where in 2013 and 2016 we stopped for a cold drink. In each year it was over 25 C on this day.
The unique church tower. I've never seen one like it before or since.
This was typical small town Spain. Just older people as all the youth have left for the cities.

Villar on the horizon ahead.
A nice welcome for the pilgrims.

A nice little town. We stopped at this great little grocery on our way through where Julia made us sandwiches and put candies in with our lunch.

Closed in 2016, we still made good use of the bench.
Note Rob's great walking hat with a roll down sun block for the neck area. He'd purchased it in León and is still using it these days on the water.
These photos were from 2018. Still closed as I was very early on that cold Saturday morning in November. But still a very good memory as I passed through,

and on into the ground fog. Quite different from the first two visits!

Yup, it happens: )
Tomorrow onwards into Hospital where I've stayed 3 times. A great place to rest at the end of a long, hot stage.
And as it turns out, I've still never walked out of León. And you know, I'm ok with that!
For my Mother.
Buen Camino!
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